Posts Tagged ‘yellow


Ooh, Baby Baby!

Hey, Baby!

When I pasted these together in Photoshop, I couldn’t stop thinking of this song. Dorky, I know.

Anyway, my wife held a baby shower for my sister at our house and I grabbed these really quickly before the shindig started.

I hope her husband takes pictures of their child as he or she (They won’t find out who’s coming, which drives me nuts!) grows ’cause nothing’s funnier than seeing who you and your parents used to be.


What The–?!

A friend of mine on twitter gave me a small heads up about a local company that was looking to have some photography done of their baked goods. The client never surfaced but the idea stuck in my head.

How would I photograph baked goods without going the obvious route? I mean, without using bakery locations or chef’s hats or Jane Austen-esque women at high tea.

I started simply. I figured, what if I just put some cupcakes in some odd places? Nothing seemed to work in my head. Then I got to thinking that a lot of people describe confections as “guilty pleasures” and don’t always wanna admit that they’ve eaten them. I liked the way that was going and thought I’d take it a step further.

Before I could do anything I needed to shoot one to see if the concept held up as well in my camera, so I sent Joe a quick text message to ask him to stand in. I promised he could have the cupcakes after I was done. He was sold despite complaining that he wasn’t up to looking pretty.

This is what we got:

The Cupcake Fairy-3242.jpg

I think it’s pretty clever. The location needs a little bit of playing with and the lighting’s not exactly even, but for a 10 minute setup and 15 minutes of shooting, this is really close to what I was thinking.

I’m wondering if shooting the series and showing it to the client might not have some merit. I mean, they might just love the idea…


I Know What Girls Like.

Lately, my daughter’s been pointing out trucks. She notices them all and it seemed like a good idea to get her one. I mean, she’s two and she already has a distinct fashion sense (several purses to choose from, shoes for different outfits, dresses galore…) so adding a little bit of mechanical interest just rounds her out.

I think we’ll have to get her a loader (she calls them tractors) to go with the dump truck, but for the moment, she’s a-okay. And why shouldn’t she be? Do boys deserve all the fun?

Girls Love Trucks


Kick It!


My Father’s Day presents were twofold, and both cooler than anything I could’ve asked for.

First off, my wife and children saw to it that I merged into the information superhighway’s fast lane by getting rid of my old phone and getting me this behemoth.

To make matters even better, my wife took the kids away for the afternoon (to my mother in law’s house where a killer dinner was prepared, but that’s a different story), allowing me to catch up with an old buddy who kindly let me shoot some portraits of her.

We had a place to shoot and had some nonstandard portraiture lined up, but when I got to her house, she had this amazing couch. We moved it outside and began. We got a lot of really good shots, but this is one of my favorites.



We went to the State Fair over the weekend and as we were heading in, we passed this sign.
I started laughing.
My wife asked me what was so funny, so I pointed at the sign.
She didn’t get it.
“Horses can’t read,” I said.
Maybe I’m just a dork.

No Horses



Another older image. I gave a couple of copies of this print (ones I did with my own two hands, no less) to some friends. I recently saw it on someone’s wall and remembered to scan the negative.

Anyone from New York know where I was for this? I’ve forgotten.


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